With more than 125 million members worldwide, Friendster is a leading global online social network. Friendster is focused on helping people stay in touch with friends and discover new people and things that are important to them. Online adults, 18 and up (even my 10yr and 6yr old son has an account ...lol!), choose Friendster to connect with friends, family, school, social groups, activities and interests. Friendster prides itself in delivering an easy-to-use, friendly and interactive environment where users can easily connect with anyone around the world via www.friendster.com and m.friendster.com from any Internet-ready mobile device. Friendster has a growing portfolio of patents granted to the company on social networking. You can share to your friends, photos, blogs, games, video, create bulletin board and 3D scenes, reviews, feature your friends.....
The difference with is that you can participate to the latest discussions, news, and blog postings and GET PAID. Yap, you read it right! We get paid on every valuable contribution we make. Just discuss topics about anything and everything under the sun. Join one of the hundreds of thousands of discussions already started by other members, or start your own! I guarantee you'll find many others who share your interests: (JOIN MyLot NOW!
View the latest discussions, news, and blog postings all tailored to your interests and personal experience.

Not only that you can make money out of shared discussions you can express yourself with your own personal profile page. Every myLot user has one! It's kind of like MySpace, only much cleaner. Share photos with your friends and family. (JOIN MyLot NOW!)

Your profile is completely customized to your style, so let the world know what you're all about! They even have the weather forecast!
Communicate with and make new friends. MyLot has built-in private messaging which is a great way to communicate with your friends. It's 100% spam-free because YOU choose who can send you messages.
MyLot wants you to help their website explode, and to reward you they will pay you every time you use myLot! They believe users are the most valuable asset to the longevity of any website so why only provide us with a service, they reward us financially!
MyLot goal is to provide internet users a place to earn money using the web on a day to day basis. It's easy, sign up and start discussions, post responses or comments to current discussions, news or blogs, or refer friends! Referring friends is a great way to earn passive income on myLot. A myLot account is all you need to get started, JOIN MyLot NOW to open an account.